Monday, January 29, 2007

Trimbur: Taking the Social Turn

I obviously read the wrong "social turn" article the first time. After having completed the correct article, I found it very interesting. I'm really a little unsure of what "social turn" means in teaching writing, except that instructors move from one view of how to teach to others. I found Bizzell's comments to be the most interesting and perhaps the most applicable as far as I'm concerned. Unlike Aaron, I've done little to no reading on the topic other than what we have looked at here.

That's it. Maggie

1 comment:

Aa... said...

Aaron has not claimed, nor will he ever claim, to do more than "little to no reading". Don't take my name in vain, Maggie, or it's flaming fire on every post from here on out!!!!


*realizes this doesn't count as a post*

See you in 1 hour.