Monday, April 2, 2007

Collaborative Text Editing (via SubEthaEdit)

Here's the program I was talking about during class that we'll be using at the "Reach and Teach the Digital Native" conference tomorrow--it sounds intriguing. From Brian S. Brookes, Associate Dean of the School of Journalism (here at MU):

"During the Digital Campus Institute @ Missouri we’ll be working together to explore ways to “Reach and Teach the Digital Native.” SubEthaEdit is a text editor that facilitates collaboration through Apple’s Bonjour technology. With SubEthaEdit many participants will be able to edit the same text document, live, in realtime. Every user is able to type anywhere in the text without locking parts of the text for other users, making SubEthaEdit just as easy to use as a traditional text editor."

A free 30-day trial version of SubEthaEdit can be downloaded from

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