Monday, April 16, 2007


At the end of Rice’s article he quotes Berlin, “Only through language do we know and act upon the conditions of our experience” (277). So, what I understand of the article is that there are those who are actively participating in understanding through rap. This makes sense.

Whenever I need to understand a concept I have to talk about it with someone more knowledgeable than myself, which means just about anybody. But that is for understanding things that are really complex from my view. I’m not sure I think that I believe that auditory information will be what leads us in the future. Rice quotes the rapper B.I.G. as seeming to state that his success came from a place other than educational mastery. If I’m not mistaken so did Kenneth Burke’s. He was not happy with educational systems, and never really finished a degree in the traditional manner. I think I remember Dr. Comas telling us that he had several sporadic attempts, but didn’t finish. Anyway, my point is that our successes in general probably do not come from the educational system. It is through finding our own voices more likely. We read, attend classes, etc., in order to attempt to broaden our views and to conform with certain educational criteria so that we can more easily succeed in this world.

Power, juice, etc., come from inside and are sparked by things from the outside. I think.

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