Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Apologies and Kudos

After class I mentioned to Donna that I didn't realize the CCC Hairston "counterstatements" were posted on ERES. I've just been locating our readings on JSTOR and Project Muse at Drury--cultivating my outsider ethos, I guess--so forgive that last quote-reading part of my presentation.

Also, I was just checking my MU listservs, waiting to see whom Aaron had thrown under the bus, and I learned of Chad's poem being selected for Best American Poetry 2007. Bravo (to say the least)! I'll have to check out a back issue of Kenyon Review.

Oh, and Court, I would still like that article, so if you don't mind photocopying it, that would be great.

Read everyone soon,



Aa... said...

There was no throwing....seriously.


MAYBE a gentle shove, but no throwing...

Chad Parmenter said...

Thanks, Kevin! Wonderful of you to say!